What is Home?

What is home? Many people might just think of home simply as a building, but there is much more than that. Home is a place where you rest after a whole day of hard work. Home is a place that provides you warmth, and protects you from rain. Home is a place that can keep you safe. Home is a place where you can spend time with your family and pets. Home is a place where love and joy flourish. Home is always filled with your memories. Home is a place that gives you comfort. Home is a place where you can make up the rules. Every home is unique, think about what makes your house special. For example, what makes my home special is all the board games I own. Just remember, you are lucky to have a home, think about the people that don’t have a home. Life would be much harder without a home. Everyone deserves a place to call home.

Xinyuan (Lucas)

5 Année

West Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique

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