
H.O.M.E. stands for what makes us happy, and these four words are the feelings you need to feel at home. The H in H.O.M.E. stands for happiness because if you don’t feel happy, then you won't feel at home. Home is the place where you feel happy and joyful. That is why happiness is the H in H.O.M.E. The O in H.O.M.E. stands for outrage because life isn’t perfect and neither is my home. My family is my home, and sometimes I get angry or even outraged with them,which is why the O in H.O.M.E. stands for outraged. The M in H.O.M.E. stands for me because if I’m not myself and I’m not me I can’t truly feel at home. Being yourself is one of the biggest parts of feeling at home. Feeling like you can truly be yourself without being judged is what makes you feel at home Finally, the E in H.O.M.E. stands for easygoing because in your home you should feel easygoing, relaxed, and like you’re able to put your feet up after a long day of work. The H stands for happiness, the O stands for outrage, the M stands for me, and finally the E stands for easygoing. H.O.M.E., these four letters stand for how we should feel if we're truly at home.


6 Année

Waterloo, Ontario

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