
Throughout my life, I have seen many homes, and lived in many places. But for me, my home will always be in the Ukraine. It’s full of memories that are hard to forget. It was not a perfect house, it was really old, the paint was chipping off the walls and the furniture was dated. But when I think of the word home, I think about how I felt living here. I remember laying on my bed tracing patterns on a carpet tapestry with my finger. My mom would come in and tell me to get up. The slight feeling of wind that shivers on me when I stand up. When I would walk into the kitchen to see my grandpa cooking with my mom. They did that a lot. We have many traditional foods like perogies but we call them Vareniki, Salo, Borsch but my favorite was and still is, Okroshka. I'm not sure if it's from Ukraine but it's still from somewhere around. There were two options of what I will do in a day. It's either, my family all come and we have a family dinner. With my cousins and aunt I remember us laughing and my mom telling stories about her childhood with her sister. Or it's that my friends knock on my window and scream so I get out of my house. And we play outside with either a big group or even one friend with me. Home isn’t just about my house. Home is where I felt most happy.


6 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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