My House
My house was built on a hill. The hill is so fun to sled down and play on. There is a swing outside that we love pushing each other on.There are lots of trees around us, that we build forts and climb on.
I have three dogs, one cat, and a lot of fish. I have a mom, a dad, two sisters, and one brother. So we are loud and we love to play.we are athletic and love sports.I play basketball, volleyball,and piano. My brother also does basketball but he also does hockey. One of my sisters does canskate and does art. My other sister wants to play hockey.
In the house we have all the rooms any other house would but all those rooms have memories in them. Sometimes we fight but we always hug at the end. We love decorating for Christmas and birthdays.We have movie nights once in a while with popcorn. We love crafting and playing outside.
When we get ready for school we are slow but all was get to the bus on time.The end.
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