The Feeling of Home
When I think of the meaning of home I think about my family and places filled with memories, like my room and others make me relaxed and happy, and the things that make it welcoming.
I think about my family, who have always been with me, trying to make me feel better when I was feeling sad. My mom, friendly and nice, makes a lot of healthy and delicious food for the family. my dad, funny and energetic, who loves to do stuff with me and my brother. And my brother who is extremely weird, loves to play and follow me around everywhere.
My room and other places that make me comfortable are everywhere, and I like relaxing in them. It’s really comfortable and relaxing, so it feels like home to me.
My living room has a lot of memories like me and my brother opening Christmas presents, my family playing board games and Mario kart, and even cleaning too!
Another place where there are a lot of memories is the dining room. It is where me and my mom made traditional Korean rice donuts and cookies together, sometimes with my brother. It’s also where my family (including me) laughed and joked a lot and ate snacks and dinner together.
A lot of things mean home to me, but I think where my family is, feels the most like home to me.
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