Letter To My Home
Dear Home,
I love you like I love playing hockey. Thank you for standing strong and keeping a roof over our heads when we get bad weather. Thank you for being flexible when there are changes. For example, when we redid your kitchen, or when I reorganized my room. I also really like how you have a big basement full of enjoyable things like hoverboards, workout room, play room, and electric scooters.
Home, remember all the times we’ve had: Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, or carving pumpkins. I love celebrating in this house. Way more than I did before we moved over to you.
Home, I’m sorry for the time when someone ran into the wall with one of the hoverboards and now there is a big mark on the wall. Or, when the bottom of the downstairs bathroom door mysteriously fell off. We still don’t know how it happened. I’m sorry for the time my family forgot to water the Christmas tree and all the pines fell off on the ground. We had to take it down the day of Christmas.
I am really grateful I have you because if I didn’t I wouldn’t have a roof over my head. I’d live on the streets and wouldn't have a safe place to sleep. It just wouldn’t be the same without you around. I’m really grateful I have you because if I didn’t I wouldn’t have the hockey net in the driveway.
Your owner,
Hannah Martin
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