What is Home?

Open the doors to my home. It is where I feel the most comfortable. It is where I spend the best time with my family. It is where I live and breathe in. Home for me is where I feel comfortable. I have nice furniture and I have a nice warm house. Home is also where I feel so safe because I can go to school and not think I’m going to be harmed. I have friends that I can trust and I feel safe around them. Home for me is where I can spend time with my family. Most of them live close by but some live in British Columbia and in Ontario, too. I can see my grandma and grandpa because they live close by. Home is where I like to relax with my family. I like the fact that we do stuff together like playing board games such as Catan, Monopoly, and a game called Five Crowns. We also spend time together outside playing games like Hide and Seek, Laser Tag, and so much more. Home for me is where I love to be. It is fun here. I love to be here because it is a good place to be. Also, I like that I can do stuff like drive quads, dirt bikes, and snowmobiles. Home is where I can live, it is where I love the most, and it’s my favorite place to be. Home is not just a place. It is where you are, where you love, who you love, where you are loved. And that is a home for me.


5 Année

Sprague, Manitoba

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