What I Call Home

Home is a place where I feel like I belong. Home is a safe and cozy place to hang out with people you love, people who care for you, people who respect who you are. Home is the place to go after a long and tough day. Home is the place where all of the memories take place, where all of the fun things happen. Home is where everyone is welcome, where no matter who you are or what you look like you are special. Home is where you learn new things and can be free to be you. Home is where you can see friends, hang out and be with loved ones. Home is the starting place where everyone begins. It’s where you first learn to walk and first learn to talk. It’s where you take your first steps to being you and make the you, that you are today. Home is the place where you have amazing wonderful dreams that inspire you to learn and do more. At home you can be whatever you want to be and your house can be whatever you want it to be. Home is where my mom and dad guide me through all of the challenges and struggles I may have. Home is where everyone has each other's back and cares deeply for each other. Home is where you are the boss, you are the leader and you are in charge. Home is where you can look back on memories and ask questions about the world. Home is where you can sit down in a cozy chair and start to peacefully knit. Home is where you snuggle up with your family and watch a movie with hot buttery popcorn that's melting down on your fingers. Home is where you get together with all your relatives and have a nice big dinner. Home is where you come home and everybody welcomes you and stops what they are doing just to ask you, “How was your day? What were your roses and what were your thorns?” And you can answer with whatever you want and they will respect what you say. Home is where I come home to see my dog waiting for me at the front door. Home is where I can snuggle with my dog and I get to stay like that for as long as I could possibly wish. Home is where me and my sister give each other a nice big warm hug and at the moment all we do is have a nice big smile on our faces and just pause so we can relax and feel calm. Home is a place that everyone enjoys, home is the place where you can embrace everything that is going on around you. Home is a place where me and my brother can play a game and we don’t care who wins or loses, we just care that we had a fun and amazing time with each other. Home is a place where me and my brother giggle and laugh together. Home is the place where I sit down, put my feet up and grab a book to read because nothing could possibly please me more than having such a wonderful home.


5 Année

Toronto, Ontario

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