What Home Means

Home is a place to play games with you and your family members. A place to sleep well sometimes yeah there could be some argument here and there but not all the time. Like me and my brother fight sometimes but that does not mean I never want to see them again because he has been with me all my life. My mom does so much stuff for me. She cleans, does laundry, cooks, and helps me with my homework. I really appreciate the things she does for me and I will not and never could be ungrateful for what she does. My dad also is the best dad I can wish for. When I want something he says yes but not all the time because maybe that thing I wanted is not important. My dad does the best for me and I appreciate him. For example, when I try my hardest he pushes me and tells there's always space to be better. I know he is right! My dad cooks every time my mom doesn't feel like cooking, and my dad just does it because he loves me. All my family members I love because they do a lot for me. I don’t care about if they say I can’t get this or that, I just care about living life with them under their roof with their love. I love my family, and I love my home!


6 Année

Toronto, Ontario

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