The meaning of home to me
What home means to me is relaxing, sharing feelings, as well as the stuff I have in my house. Things like the game warzone, food, beds, money and a roof over my head are important because they cost a lot of money and we can’t let them go to waste. My family is also important to me because they love and treat me with respect.
My family is the most important thing to me in my home. They are always there for me.and They always help me and all the Way there for me and they always do stuff with me because they are kind and they love me. Helping me when I’m hurt it shows they love me because they love me so much they take care of me. I love them, too.I treat them with the same love they treat me with giving them Valentine’s cards and celebrating their birthdays.
My second most important thing to me is my games. They are fun and they have cool stuff, for example, cool skins that players can wear. I like to play my games a lot with my dad. This makes me feel happy because my dad is busy with work and he can spend time with me. When I don't have to go to school, I can play my games and they help me relax.
My third most important thing to make my house a good home is the house itself. The roof is important because it protects us from any known dangers like hail, thunder strikes and pouring rain. Having a warm place to live is good too, the reason my house is warm is because I have lots of blankets, hot chocolate and good chairs especially the feet warmers, this is important so you don't freeze.
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