My Loving Home

Home isn't just made up of the materials. It is also made up of the love and support of your family that comes with it. It’s the memories and joy that builds a true home. I don’t need bricks or four walls all I need is my family and love to really make a home. My loving home. My home is like a vase, sometimes it breaks but with some glue it can be fixed. It’s not perfect but it’s still together. Just like my family we break apart sometimes but with love we can come together. We are not a perfect family, we have our ups and we have our downs, what's important is that every one of us is loved. Everytime I stepped into my home I could see toys scattered all around the apartment. Whenever I came home I could hear the wonderful noises of the tv running. These were the sounds I loved hearing when I stepped into my apartment. I could smell the scent of fruity blended juice in my sippy cup. One day the beautiful sight of toys scattered around the apartment changed into the sight of clean dark brown couches. At this time we didn’t have a tv anymore. It was so silent I could hear a pin drop. The smell of the fruity juice turned into the smell of my moms rice and chicken cooking. My home may have changed and I left all my memories when I was little behind, but in my house I created new ones. Sometimes a little change is good for you. It doesn’t matter where you go to or what you do, home will always be the place where it all began and where it will end.


6 Année

Toronto, Ontario

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