What Home Means to Me
A home isn’t just your carpets,cutlery and stairs it's also not books,cupboards and chairs it's about the memories that it brings or maybe it’s a special video game but to me it’s my family. If my home were a smell it would be when i walk into my house and smell my moms vegetable soup.It fills the air and she shares with my two brothers,my sister and dad.If my home were a noise it would be listening to the sound my house makes and I feel like my ears will break. If home were a taste it would be my brother baking a cake and slices the pieces when it's ready to taste. My taste buds fly away.If my home were a sight it would be my cute baby brother who lights up the room with his cute little smileIf home were a touch it would be the softest blanket on my blanket on my big coach were we cuddle in my blanket watching TV and eating popcorn. Thank you habitat for humanity for giving people in need and giving them the chance to have a home.
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