Love is Home

I loved my home. Habitat helps people to purchase affordable homes. If somebody is too poor, or trying to save money, they can buy a small home to live in. But… if somebody is way too poor to buy a house, that’s where Habitat comes in! They can at least help somebody live nicely in a small home where it’s livable for the people at least. Home isn’t just a shelter for you to live in. I think you’re just talking about a house. A house is where you don’t feel safe, don’t feel welcomed in there, etc. A house could be somewhere you’re just not comfortable at for whatever reason. That’s fine! I sometimes feel that way too ever since i moved. There’s no other place to feel good. Feel safe, loved, cared, and accepted. It’s the smell of fresh food cooking in the kitchen, the fire cackling in the fireplace, the feeling of being at home, the feeling you can just rest, the bright sunshine beaming through the windows like a ray of love. It’s your home, where you live. Habitat could help a lot of people. But you just never knew it. Their mission is to help some people afford even their first home as best as they can. Habitat will try to help families build strength, stability and independence through affordable homeownership Therefore, home is one of the most important things in the world. Where else would you let out emotion? Where else would you feel safe? Where else would you make memories and feel happy? Home, is what that is


6 Année

Calgary, Alberta

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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