Home is my Safe Place
Home isn’t just a place built with bricks.
Sometimes we have our ick’s.
Eating food with people we love, it’s all about having fun.
Home is where siblings make us mad.
But sometimes we’re glad
when we have them when we’re sad.
Home is where we have fun, watching tv with the ones we love. We make memories,
and on rough days, home helps us forget our enemies.
Home is like watching a beautiful sunset.
We all give each other love and comfort.
We all laugh and share,
home is a place where it's okay to care.
Having family is the best thing to have,
they are always there when you’re sad.
Home is where I feel safe.
My parents always help me in case I make mistakes.
Because my parents love me no matter what,
even if I eat sour grapes.
Home is a place you can cry, have fun and rely.
You can feel anything because home is for anyone and everyone.
Home is where I taste my Grandma's home cooked meals,
butter chicken is one of my favorites.
Having a tradition is something many people don't have.
That’s why we should be grateful for the ones we do have.
I like playing games with my family.
We always have fun playing monopoly.
Home is where I hear my annoying little brother talk,
he is definitely a chatterbox.
Home is where I live, a place that I sleep and eat in.
Home is where I read my favorite books,
each book has a different look.
Home is my comfort place,
I am not afraid to make mistakes.
Home sounds like pouring rain
because the sound cools down our brains.
I love my home. It's like looking through a majestic eye.
Home is where your feelings can fly.
You don’t need to keep them inside.
Home is where I see my family.
My family makes me feel like I'm the luckiest person in a fantasy.
Thank you Habitat for Humanity for helping families in need and letting this contest happen.
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