What My Home Means To Me
What home means to me is me and my family. My home is a place where my family can help me with school work.
What home means to me is coming home from school and my mom asking me how my day was.
What home means to me is me and my brothers playing outside together.
What home means to me is the smell of my parents cooking.
What home means to me is me and my mom sitting together under the heated blanket.
What home means to me is me and my family sitting together watching tv.
What home means to me is my dad coming home from work with dinner that he picked up on his way.
What home means to me is me playing in the snow then coming inside for hot chocolate.
What home means to me is my friends coming over to my house to play with me.
What home means to me is me and my brother laying together in my bedroom.
What home means to me is me knowing that I am safe at home and I do not need to be scared because home is my peaceful place.
What home means to me is being cozy with my family. That's what my home means to me.
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