The meaning of home for everyone

Home can not be defined in one way. “Home” is different for everyone including you. For someone it could mean under a bridge and to another it could mean a big luxurious house. It doesn’t matter what your home is, no matter what it will be special to you. Home means to me the warm heat on my back from the fireplace as my family is enjoying a huge serving of steaming and delicious sushi. I love when I’m coming home from a frigid and hard day at school and as I open the door a huge stampede of smells hits my face then my mom takes my jacket and then offers freshly baked scones as I sit on the couch and enjoy a good movie. Home means resting your head down at the end of the day and wondering, “What will tomorrow be?”. Home should always provide a safe place and necessities for everyone. I think that everyone deserves a home no matter their race, gender, sexual orientation and many more things that make the human race different in so many ways. Everyone should be treated with equal rights and respect. In conclusion I hope that my take on the definition of home has helped you understand what “Home” means to me and you and that you should be appreciative of your home in particular no matter what it is and no matter where it is you and your home will always be unique.


6 Année

Toronto, Ontario

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