My Meaning of Home

Walking through the front doors of my house, being greeted by my dogs, I feel the comfort of this place. I feel safe. Home is the people and places I feel most comfortable with. When you think of home you think of a place or a building, but for me that’s not the case. Because home for me is someone; a person who makes you happy, comfortable, safe, and you can be yourself with them. Home doesn’t always need to be a place or a building, it could be the people you feel most comfortable with. Home is the land. I love the land. The fresh smell of the air, playing with my dogs in the back yard, jumping on the trampoline with my brother, and spending time with my parents outside. Home is the land. I love the land. It makes me feel at home. Home is where my room is. It’s my space so that means NO BROTHERS ALLOWED! I like the fact that my room is big. I have lots of space and I just painted it the colours I wanted it to be. I usually relax in my room by playing mini hoop, sleeping, and listening to music. Home is my room. Home is where I can be myself. The places and people I feel most comfortable with, that make me feel like I can be me, this is my home.


6 Année

Sprague, Manitoba

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