What home means to me

What home means to me By Kyla My home is everything, its wear I took my first steps.👶My home has a roof to keep me dry from bad weather like tornadoes, hurricanes and/or floods and pouring rain. Everybody has a home. Your grandma has a home. your grandpa has a home, but some people don’t so that is why you should be happy because you have a roof over your head. I love my home because I have a couch, tv and a bed to sleep in. and food to eat and the internet and a fridge to keep my food to not start molding for parties and just to eat if I'm hungry. 😀 My home is beautiful. I can see trees and birds and clouds outside. I can hear the birds chirping and singing beautifully. I can see dogs and cats in the windows. I can see my neighbors waving at me. I also love going to the park with my mom and dad and baby brother and sister. In my home, I see my cats and hear them mowing and purring. I can hear my baby sister snoring. I also hear my baby brother crying. My friends come over sometimes and we play gorilla tag and Roblox and Minecraft. I can play I can sing. My home is where I study math like adding, subtracting, times, Division, and sometimes Language.


4 Année

Buckhorn, Ontario

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