My Loved Home
Home is a place where happiness is kept safe
It’s where brothers and sisters roam the halls
when you are sad parents come to cheer you up
your house is like a jar where love can't escape
It is where we stay safe when a storm is near
Home is like a flower blooming
Home is like marshmellows and hot chocolate
A house is somewhere you stay with you family
Home is like a music note playing
Home is just a play place where everyone can enjoy it
Home is where exciting things happen
home is a building that can stand because of the love that we share to it
home is where pets can roam freely
home is where children can be hyper
home is where peace stays
home is where energy runs
home is where friends come to play home and where parents can play with you when your bored
home is where you can help your parents
home is a place where magic comes true
home is where you can play games
home is like a star shining bright
home is like the beautiful moonlight
home is like the sun shining into your eyes
home is stronger than metal because of the love we put into it.