Home to me is...
Home to me is warm.
Home to me is safe.
Home to me has no war.
Home has love, and peace.
Home welcomes me,
I always know,
Like how a dove welcomes the sky,
Like how a baby cries,
Like how the love for our loved ones never dies.
Home to me is familiarity,
The footprints in the snow,
The sunset setting, behind the trees,
Under the archway that warms me,
That makes me feel safe.
Like no one can hurt me.
Home to me is like a hug,
After an injury,
Or a long day at school,
Or even, just because.
Home is like praise,
It makes you feel good,
And I’d wish, for everyone,
It should.
That’s what home is for me,
But I’m very lucky.
I’ll admit that.
11.2 percent of Canadians are homeless.
And that makes me feel like home is even more special.
It’s sacred,
Like trees, mountains, rivers and lakes,
Like with the environment that’s dying from climate change,
Speaking of change,
It’s time we make something good.
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