Meaning of Home

Ola everyone, my name is Dean. Have you ever wondered what the meaning of home is? Too bad the doors are locked. Eny way let’s get started. Firstly, pets make me feel at home. Pets are extremely important because they make you feel very happy. Pets like dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits, rats, snakes, guineapigs and birds are all great. I personally like cats. My cat makes me feel at home because he is small fluffy and easy to pick up. I guess I just need a pet to feel at home. That is why I think pets are important. Secondly, shelter. Shelter is important to live. Living is a good for health. If you don’t have a shelter you aren’t living. If you aren’t living your dead so shelter is important especially for children. If you don’t have a proper shelter, you would be exposed to predators, terrain and judgment. Me and my family honestly rent a house but hopefully we can buy a house of our own soon. That is why I think shelter is important. Lastly, family. Family is very important. If you’ve never had a mom or a dad, you are literally dead. I think to have a mom, dad, brother or sister and a pet is a nice size of a family. Family is good in lots of scenarios. Family is probably one of the best things in the family is extreme unless you think that one sister three brothers two moms and two dads aren’t extreme. That is why I think that family is important. Conclusion, I told you three reasons why home is home. Home makes you well… you. That is what home means to me.


6 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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