What Home Means: In My Opinion

What Home Means In my opinion. A KK production… This is what HOME means to me… HOME means my pets, my dog Oakley and my cat Aki [aa-kee]. One of my best memories of my dog Oakley was when we first got him, he was so cute. He was also very playful if he had a stuffed animal it would be gone in 0.05 seconds. It's kind of like you have to buy him a new toy every week. I also remember when we picked him up it was rainy but when we got home it was sunny and we got to play with him. The best memory of my cat Aki [aa-kee] is also when we first got her. Her fur was so white and she purred so much. All the purring gave us the idea to call her Purr Machine. And she doesn't know what it means when we call her by her name so we call her kitten so she actually understands us well. HOME also means laughs and board games, some board games I like are What Do You Meme, Pictionary, Roll For It, Uno, Snakes And Ladders, and Yahtzee, That is what HOME means to me / in my opinion.


4 Année

Kitchener, Ontario

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