Home is where...

Home is not a free shelter It’s not a familiar place It’s not watching the rain on the windows Or seeing who can stack more pillows Home is a feeling-- A feeling of gliding through books of wonder, Curling up in my warm bed when there’s thunder, Sprinting through the moist fields in spring, Sitting on my adorned snow chair like a queen. Home is beside my parents, rabbits, and sister My tears that cover my pillows like glitter The love that guides my on my path The melodic sound of my family’s laugh Home is my triumphs that I share The swing of my friend’s hands as a pair Home is the glint in my mother’s eye The pride that lifts my father’s head high The joy that lifts my sister’s heart The bonds that keep us never apart. Home is the tight squeeze of my family It’s the squirm of my sister The squeal of my friends At home I’m with my supporters My loved ones, my role models and me At home our spirits mingle and fly Like gentle doves soaring through the sky Our memories grow at home Where our love will flow Home is the courage we bring And all that we share as we sing Home is where feelings are shared But we will always care Because when I’m with my family I’m at home Home is where I’m free Home is where I’ll be


6 Année

Surrey, Colombie-Britannique

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi