Why is home a home?
Home is so much more than just bricks and walls if you just add some love to it.
Home is home because I have my family there who can support me through the hard times that pass by.
Home is home because when I get home or wake up I can smell the fresh food in the air when my dad’s cooking.
Home is home because I get to celebrate many traditions or holidays like, Chinese new years, Christmas, Moon day and so much more!
Home is home because during Chinese new years, I get a bunch of money from my family, aunts, uncles and cousins.
Home is home because I have electronics that keep my house entertaining for me and my family, like watching the television!
Home is home because I have an amazing, comfy bed to lay on whenever I wake up or get back from school.
Home is home because this is where me and my family celebrate our birthdays.
Home is home because this is where I watch horror movies every Saturday's nights.
Home is home because it is when I play sports outside with my family during the summer.
This is why home is home
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