Home To Me!
My home is a wonderful place to live and love each other.
Home to me means mommy and me. Where we love each other some fun bubble baths and hot relaxing showers. It’s where we enjoy amazing chocolate chip cookies that we made in the kitchen. They smell super good.
Wonderful beds that are soft relaxing, peaceful and quiet.
Home is where you have fun and make more memories to make as time goes on.
It's when you make mistakes and fix them.
It’s where you have time with family and are your wonderful awesome self.
It’s where you will be a kid or a teen or an adult.
You might have a kid or two.
You have a lot of feelings and that's ok.
In the summer its where to plant flowers, to relax on the holidays to have awesome birthdays, to laugh, to cry but that's just you.
It’s where to have joy and fun, being funny, being noisey and being cozy.
It’s having time to play with each other like hide and seek and laughing after we find each other.
It’s remembering Blueberry [beta fish]. We loved her so much, but we miss her too.
Time together is better than anything in the world.
Watching tv together.
It is fun.
We watch Wish, Frozen2 and more.
I love having a wonderful home. It is the best time of the day.
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