What Home Means to Me

Home is more than a roof over our head and food on our table. Home is a feeling of energy and love. But it can be the structure and the stuff inside the house. When I walk into my house, my dog comes to say hello. She gets excited, then her tail hits me in the face and it hurts, but I love it! I also feel at home when I go to my grandma’s and she make me French Toast and then my grandpa and I play checkers, eat chocolate and drink iced tea. Another thing that makes me feel at home is running around with my dog in the backyard and we play soccer. Something that makes me feel at home is when I go to the outdoor rink to play hockey with my sister. We practice hockey together and make TikTok’s on the ice. I feel at home when I spend time together with my best friend at his house. It makes me feel at home, brings me joy, and we have lots of fun together. The fourth thing that makes me feel at home is hanging out with my dad watching sports like hockey, football, and soccer. I also like to play Switch with him. The fifth thing that makes me feel at home is that when my sister babysits me, we play together. The sixth thing is spending quality time with my family, playing board games, talking, and laughing. The seventh thing is playing hockey with my team, celebrating goals and wins. The eighth thing that makes me feel at home is playing on my computer with my friends. Everyone should have a roof over their head, food, and water. In my words, I believe the most important thing in a home is lots of love.


4 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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