Meaning of Home

Hi I’m Jaxon and today Ima be talking about what home means to me. The main 4 things home mean to me are safety fun a room and relaxing. to start whit your safety? Well, is sooooo good to be safe at home. Because if you’re not safe at home that’s NOT GOOD! you be in a good environment. Ok on to the next topic fun. Fun is good because what are you doing without fun at your house? Right So, Ima care one ok next topic a room so there’s a lot of types of rooms. like a room where you share a room with your sibling or a room to yourself so yeah. Ok on to the next topic relaxing. relaxing is good because after a long day of school/work. And you want to just sit down and RELAX. And chilling with your dog is the best. So now time for a conclusion I did for my 4 thing 1 safely 2 fun 3 a room 4 relaxing and all of them are good so bye the end


6 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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