My Home in Fun Seasons
At fall, I like to jump in a pile of leaves with my brother. I like to take my dog for a walk. I also like to invite my friends over. The one thing I like about my home in the fall is sitting by the fireplace if it is cold outside. I rake up the leaves with my brother. Then I’ll put the pile at the bottom of the slide and slide into it. I like that my mom cleans the house so I can play and make it messy again. I get to come home from school and sit in my warm bed with BunBun.
In winter, I like to build a snowman with my brother, and I love to spend time with my family. I love to spend time with my dog and cats, and I love to play. In the winter, my dog likes to sit by the fire. At winter, my family likes to have hot chocolate. Each winter, my BFF comes over to my home. Every year, my brother and I go and we have dad drive the four-wheeler and we hook up the sled to it, and we go sledding.
In spring, my BFF wants to play in the pool. At spring, my family invites friends to have dinner with us while my dog runs and plays. At spring, my mama bakes with me. At spring, my brother makes hot dogs. My dad makes a big roast for friends and family.
In summer, I play in the pool. My dad brings my dog into the pool with us, and then the dog doesn’t want him for some time. My mom and I like baking cookies for my dad, and for me. My dad and I like playing our 2022 tractor game in the garage. My brother and I jump on the trampoline, and sometimes my dog comes and jumps on it with us. My dad smokes a rib in summer for me, mom, my brother, and himself.
I love my home in all seasons because it is warm and cozy.
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