My Home
Home is much more than a building that you live in. To me, home is a place where I find all the people, animals and things that I love. At home, I love my mom, dad, backup dad Zsolti, my grandparents, and my dogs, Joey, Emmie, Charlotte and Buddy. Home is also a special, safe and comforting place that you spend time at. I spend my time at the pool at the University of Waterloo. That is where I swim competitively with my coach, friends and team. I love spending time with them at the pool. My family watches from the bleachers during swim practices and competitions, which makes me happy and more comfortable. When I practice my favorite hobbies like crafting, drawing, swimming and other sports, I feel at home. Ontario is also my home. I was born in Cambridge Ontario and I like the familiar places I visit with family and friends here. Especially spots like my grandparents' trailer at the lake.
So for me, home is anywhere that I feel like me!