My Meaning of Home

Home means a lot to me home is where cozy and loving memories come from, home is a place where i feel loved. Home is where love, care and peace comes from. It's where my sibling and me take care of each other. Home is where my family celebrates together. Home is where laughter and joy comes from. Home is a beautiful experience made from harmony, kindness and respect. A home is where peaceful dreams come from. Home is a beautiful place. Home is what brings me joy home is where fun makes home joyful. Home is a place where my favourite recipes come from. Home is a wonder of life home is where I come from. Home is a loving part of my life culture and traditions. Home is filled with loving souls and caring spirits home means a lot to me. Home is where the smell of my moms traditional dish comes from its where I belong. Home is where the sound of joy, laughter, peace, love comes from. Home is where I take care of one another. Home is where me and my brother pay respect to aunts grandparents and our own parents. Home is where i feel loved by everybody. A house and home is a little bit similar A home is where we feel loved by everybody. A house is a place where you also feel loved. Home is where kindness and laughter comes from along with a house. Home is a thing that means a lot to me. I couldn't ask for more other then a home.


5 Année

Toronto, Ontario

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