Home is Where Your Heart is
Home is not just a building, It’s a safe space filled with love and memories.
Home is the comfort from my cat when he comes to sit with me like a soft and fluffy little pillow covered in brown ,black and white fur. When I have a warm bagel as the butter melts away in my mouth with the crunch of the cheese on top. Home is letting the dog outside as I watch her surge towards a wild rabbit as if it was a plush toy. Walking with my friends as we talk about the most random things like childish and ridiculous memories, the new pizza place, or the way our pets act. When I’m listening to music as I clean my room on the weekends making sure it looks spic and span.
Home, when I’m scared or worried, my Mom comforts me and gives me advice. She tells me I will be okay wich makes me feel good. Or when I’m ill, my parents make me feel like I will be okay no matter what. Sometimes when I’m mad about something, my family and friends make me feel like I can always count on them to make me feel better.
Home is watching my cat knead his cat climber and falling asleep at the same time. Home, going on vacation with my whole family to a place where we can relax with not a care in the world. Having fights with my sister and apologizing with a big hug. Home is crafting in my basement when a cloud of glee hits me like a big surge of enjoyment. Home is doing yoga with my mom and my sister almost every night and going to bed super exhausted and tired, when I put on fluffy and cozy pajamas that are pink with white heart outlines, and sleeping in my bed.
Home, playing Minecraft almost every day with my sister and friends and we ride horses and build a house. When I sit by my fireplace with my dog as the snow falls softly on the ground outside making a beautiful scene for us to watch together.
Home is doing puppet shows, and singing. When I do ventriloquism, it makes me feel like I’m not singing which makes me feel comfortable, considering, I get nervous when I sing in front of people which make me feel happy!
Home is stepping outside for once and walking my dog around my circle street with a breeze in my face and the smell of freshly fallen rain when its spring. Home is watching my favorite TV show with my sister and laughing our heads off.
Home is having dinner at the table with my family and listening to everyones day, listening to my Dad as he says he had to put new floors on in someone's house, my Mom saying her students were so good! My sister saying she had the best day at school! Home is hearing the tip-tap of my dog’s crusty paws. Home, arriving at school with a cool, brisk wind in my hair. Having warm meals every day with the smell of perogies with bacon and cheese.
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