The Meaning Of Home

Home means a lot to me; it is a special place. When I wake up, I see the beautiful sunrise, when I go downstairs, I smell the mouthwatering aroma. I taste the fresh food fresh out of the frying pan, I hear the talking from the television in the living room. I touch the comfortable sofa and I sit on it, I love home because it has all my favorite things. I am thankful that my home has things I want and love. My favorite thing to do is sliding down the stairs on my bum, Home is where I play with my family and where I feel comfortable, I finally understand what “Home is where the Heart is,” Means. Home is a place that you want to live in, Home means a lot to me; it is a special place where me and my family live. Home is a place to relax, and the feeling is like eating ice cream after a long and hot day, That is what home means to me


6 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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