What Home Means to Me
What Home Means To Me
There are three main things that make me think of home.Those things are family,a safe place to stay and my needs are met.
Home makes me think of family because my family always believes in me.When they believe in me I feel encouraged and loved.Another reason home makes me think of family is having family around there are people to love and be loved by.When I am away from family I can't stop thinking about them.That is why family makes me think of home.
When I think of home,I think of how I have a safe and warm place to stay.Having a safe place to stay is important because, if you don't have a safe place to stay your whole life could be in danger.The second reason warmth and safety makes me think of home is that life is WAY more enjoyable when you don't have to always worry about simple things.The last reason safety and warmth makes me think of home is everyday after school I have something to look forward too. That is why safety and warmth makes me think of home.
The last thing that makes me think of home is my needs are met.There are four main needs those are warm clothing,shelter,water and food.Today I will talk about the top three which are water,shelter and food.First is water you need water to live.If you don’t have water you could die of thirst.Next is shelter because if you don’t have shelter in the cold you could get frost bite which would hurt very bad.Last is food,we need food because people need to fill their hunger or please their stomachs.Those are the three needs that get met when I am at home.
That is why family, safety and needs make me think of home.
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