There Are Two Meanings of Home
Home sweet home. What does that saying even mean? Nobody knows because home is something different to everyone. To me home is mostly memories. No matter where you go, home is one of the places where big events in your life happen most. Whether they’re with your friends or your family, happy memories or sad ones, they’re still important. Home has this incredibly cozy smell that isn’t necessarily a good smell, but it makes you feel - safe. You may think home is just a place where you live but it’s so much more than that. It’s a community. It’s calling your friends up to see if they can hang out. It’s helping out with fun events at your pool. It’s watching the younger kids grow and making sure you grow up yourself. Home is a safe space to be yourself and to expand your mind. Home is a great big family. It’s spending time with your mom baking tasty treats. It’s your dad helping you practice your piano. It’s arguing with your brother and taking care of your beloved pets! Home is sacrificing happy times for yourself to help pull your loved ones out of sad times. A home may be hard to care for and nurture and you may make some mistakes, but it’s definitely worth it to have people that love you. So if you’ve ever asked yourself, how do you make a home, there are actually two answers. The first one starts by using bricks and tools. The other starts by creating new memories.
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