My Home is My Home
My Home is My Home
Home is where there is a lot of love and memories. Home is where my mom and dad and sister love me. Home is where we play with my sister and dog and make a lot of noise. Home is where a lot of pictures with me and my family are on the walls. Home is where your family helps you with problems and you help them. Home is the place where you feel loved. Home is the place where you feel comfortable and feel good. Home is where you are from. Home is where we celebrate Christmas, Easter, our birthdays, and New Years. Home is where your family and you sit around the fire and sing Ukrainian songs and talk to each other and have fun with it. Home is where you do kind things for your family and your family does kind things for you. Home is where me and my family go outside to play on play days. Home is where you watch movies and eat popcorn with your family. Home is where you speak your language. Home is the place where you live and love.
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