Home. It smells like beautiful flowers blooming all day long and never dies. It also smells like freshly baked popcorn coming out of the oven, yummy! It smells like when we have just finished washing every single little aspect of the house. It smells amazing!
Home. I feel safe from anything that could hurt me in the world. I also feel safe when my whole family is surrounding me. It is always better when you have family to support and love you, I feel safe then. The last reason I feel safe at home is when I am at my dinner table and we are all sitting together. I feel safe at home.
Home. When I walk into my house I am greeted by my adorable cat and she consoles me when I feel sad. She also eats dinner with me and sits beside me. Also, when I have my comfy blanket on my cat comes and jumps on me and kneads me. Sometimes in the morning, she awakens me by jumping on my bed, walking on me, jumping on me, and also kneading me. Sometimes it's nice. I feel loved.
Home. I feel happy when I see all my family and friends. I also feel happy when I am swimming and playing soccer with my friends. I feel happy at the table and when I am talking to all of my family. It’s so nice playing with my sister and we always have the time of our life. Also, I feel happy when I get to see all of my family watching me swim and I'm playing soccer.
That is what HOME means to me.
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