What Home Means To Me
Home to me is where my family lives and gives me my supper. I can imagine hearing them say “Supper is ready!” and it’s my favorite meal, spaghetti and meatballs. It smells so good.
Home is where I can feel the warm body of my brother when we are skating at the Amherst Stadium. It’s where I play with my cat Snowball and she bites at my feet and scratches me. It is also where I play board games with my Granny and Nan while my brother is playing Fortnite.
Home is where I play 1v1 with my brother on Fortnite and beat him. I can hear him saying “You are hacking.”.
Home is where I build my Lego sets. One of them was a Star Wars themed spaceship that had 939 pieces.
Home is where at the end of the day I go to sleep in a warm, comfy and cozy bed. And that's what home means to me.