My Home Feels...

Home is my safe place. It’s where I live with my mom, dad, and my brother. It’s where I feel loved, and secure. Home is where my family has lived in since I was a baby. I feel close to my mom because I always crochet with her. I feel close to my godmother because we talk, and she gets me. Home is where you see my bucket full of Barbies. I’ve been colleting them since I was 5! It’s where you see my bookshelf full of my favorite books. It’s where I see my mom watching Netfix on her comfy bed and my dad working on his computer. Home is where you hear my dad snoring at night and loud noises from the neighbor’s apartments. It’s where you hear chatter once in a while from my mom and dad. Home is where you smell cookies baked fresh and sometimes burnt. It’s where you would smell my mom’s collection of perfume and scented candles burning on special days. Home is the feeling of your mom and dad being there for you for your sad times and happy times. It’s the feeling of your mom and dad keeping you safe and loved. Home to me is a place full of memories, a place where you are loved and a place that you know you will be safe.


6 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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