Home is were family is.
Home is were I run and play with my sisters. I don't like when they take too long in the bathroom. Home is were my parents make meals. Home is were I sleep, my bed is comfy and warm. Home is were we feel safe. Home is were I feel comfortable. Home is were you have family by blood or by heart. They love you even if you were adopted. Home is were you are loved. Home is were you can be silly, or weird, that's your choice of words. Home is were you can be you. Home is were I can relax. Home is were my dog is, who is loved like all should be. Home is were I swim in my pool on hot summer afternoons. Home is were I build forts. I some times sleep in them. Home is were my sisters annoy me, because they are comfortable at home. Home is were I watch TV, sometimes while eating. Home is were I invite friends. Home is were I pet my dog. Home is were I'm loved!
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