What Home Means to Me

Home is home, my favourite place to go. A place where I sleep and eat, a place full of warm loving heat. Sure it's not unique, but not everyone has it, That's why I think it's neat. When I walk into my home, which is my favorite place to go, I’m met with a warm greet, from tiny paws and tiny feet By my dogs who want a treat. Oh, oh, oh, my ho, ho, home! Such a great place to go! When I come home, my parents, kiss me, hug me, and say they love me! Home is home, my favourite place to go. Home will always be my favourite place to go. But home doesn't mean a house, A home is a place full of love. Love that's as pure as a dove. My school is also my home, When I arrive at school I'm greeted by my friend group, They are my kind of dudes. My friends jump on me and say hello! Now this might not be everyone's cup of tea, But it means the most to me. Home is home, my favourite place to go. Home will always be my favourite place to go. But home doesn't mean a house, It means love, Love that's as pure as a dove. Animals are home to me, As homey as creatures can be. I love animals and hopefully they love me. Now they might not be everyone’s cup of tea, But they are super special to me. Home to me is love, And that will always be my favourite thing. No matter what, Home will always be, Love, Warmth, More love, Family and friends, But also me…..


5 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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