The Meaning of Home

Home means a lot to me it’s the place I’ve been raised where I sleep where I hang out with friends’ family. I get lots of things from there like clothes food water lots and lots of things. I have a pretty big family and I love them all except my brother because he’s mean and a cousin. The hockey rink is like a home I’m playing hockey most of my life it makes me happy same with my friends. I play video games bath chill lots of things. I don’t know what my home will be like in the future probably pretty different. Sometimes I don’t want to be at home actually lots of the time I like to go to friends houses and other places but at night it’s the best my tv is there my gaming set up smacks cozy bed a blankets. my grandma’s house is also like another home I’m there a lot its super fun there we go skidoo Ing quadding. trampoline games the beds our comfy there’s food and I get to hang out with my grandma we just had a lady clean our house and we got a new porch so its way better with that now. Erickson is where my home is. Erickson doesn’t have a lot of things to do here but it’s not the worst you can go biking there’s a park you still get chips, drinks, any food or drink you want. i feel bad for some people that don’t get the stuff we get we could definitely have a better house but im not complaining I love my house a lot and I have a good life.


6 Année

Erickson, Manitoba

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