Home From My Perspective

Home. Home is where I feel safe, warm, cozy loved and important. Home. Home is when I come home from school, eat a snack, and read a book that is interesting to me. Home. Home is what makes me feel safe and secure. Home. Home is how it feels when I am properly protected. Home. Home is why I am alive, healthy and kind like I am now. Home. Home is who I share it with: Mom, Dad, and Harrison Zettler. Home should be affordable and safe. Home should also be a place with a good foundation, a good door that locks, and no broken windows. To me, home is everything. It is a place to gather. Home is a warm, safe, and shelterd area. Home is a wonderful gift of protection, warmth, and many blessings. Home provides you with privacy and security. It is your habitat and community. It is a place for friends, family, and dreams. You are not alone, you have family and dreams. Home is a private place to share your hopes and dreams with loved ones, but still have room for life. Most homes have running water and electricity. The best place to live is in peace. No invasions. The perfect way to end the day. My heart will always carry me home, it has not, and never will fail. That is because my home is really who I am. The best part about home is: Home is where your family is.


4 Année

Portage la Prairie, Manitoba

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