The Meaning of Home

Home is family. Home is love. Home is fun. Home is family. Every day I play hockey with my dad. In the winter time I go to an outdoor refrigerated hockey arena with my dad and then after we go to get hot chocolate. In the summer time I go outside to play with my dogs. Every Saturday I go skating with my dad and my sister. Home is love. Every day when I get home my dogs jump on me. Every day before I have to go to bed my mom reads me a book. My dad comes to every hockey game I play and every practice I have even with the days that I don’t see him. My dad also reads me a book before I go to bed. My dad helped me learn how to skate. Home is fun. Some days I go down stairs with my sister and play soccer/football. I play with my hoverboard and I play hockey in the winter. I go outside and have a snow fight with my dad and sister. I go in my backyard hot tub with my dad and sister. My mom plays hockey with me on our roller blades. Love and family and fun makes my home.


4 Année

Pincourt, Québec

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