The Meaning of Home

Home. Home is a place that has your toys,clothes,furniture and most importantly your family.if you don't live with your family it may feel more lonely because you cant talk to them as much as you would if you lived with them.but if you live with your family or friends you could talk to them and it would feel less lonely because you are with people who care for you. My home has people who care about dad and stepmother are two of the people who make me feel stepmother welcomed me into her home and now i consider it My home that i feel safe in. You can have more than one home just like me. My other home is with my mom and stepdad.when i go to my moms all my siblings are siblings also make me feel at favorite room in my house is my room because it has all my lego,clothes,and it makes it feel like my home because it has all my stuff in it.Home is not always a place it is mostly a thing.


6 Année

Kitchener, Ontario

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