Meaning of home
My home is a place full of joy and excitement.My home is not a place that will ever bring me disappointment.When I feel despair,my home is the only place that will help me get through there.
Home is a place of happiness,every day, every week,every month and every season of every year.Home is my happy place and I have more than 1 reason.
In the summer,my home brings me cool air.In the summer we can walk in the beautiful neigbourhood. To me my home is not just a house,it's my neighbourhood,my neighbours and my family.
In my neighbourhood the sound of lawnmowers in the summer takes over my ears,the beautiful bird songs make summer sounds better,even sounds like this reminds me of home.My home is my happy place,my home is perfect even in every season.
In the fall the scent of pumpkin spice candles fills the air,the excitement for carving your pumpkin and Halloween is everywhere.In the fall thanksgiving is near,the day we enjoy a warm home cooked meal with you family.We can go for a walk in the neighbourhood and admire the warm colour of leafs on the trees,I can listen to the rustling sound of leafs flying around with the wind.My home is perfect even in every season.
In the winter the snow is falling.My family and I can watch a movie and eat warm buttered popcorn in the cozy blanket while it’s cold and snowing outside.In the winter I know Christmas is near,during this time there is nothing to fear.Everyday we wake up and open up a day in our advent calendar.Outside we can shovel our driveway and play with snow.Even during cold seasons home is still perfect just the way it is.
In the spring it is always raining outside,inside it can be warm and dry while it’s wet and cold outside.While it is thundering outside my home keeps me safe inside.In the bright flashes of lighting and the loud thundering clouds,my family are the only people who make me feel comfortable even at those times.Even when it is raining,snowing,hailing or anything like that,my home is the only place I want to be.
To me my home is where I feel welcome,it is where I feel safe and warm.
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