A Home is Not Just a House

Hello. Today I’m going to be telling you about some differences between a house and a home with some examples from my life. So, enjoy. A house is a place that doesn’t contain any memories and doesn’t feel as welcoming or safe. For example, a place where I lived for a couple of days was the Pinawa Motel, I went there for a short trip which was for 3 days and it just felt like a place to sleep. I didn’t feel welcome there like I do at home. So that’s what a house is like, just a building. A home is a place that you do feel safe and comfortable in. When I went back to Pinawa I felt different. I had more memories of that place and I felt more at home the second time. We also have a tradition at home which is birthdays. We celebrate birthdays at home, and you probably do too. It’s not a big tradition but it still is a tradition. And a home is way more than a house it’s WAY MORE THEN THAT! IT’S SOOO MUCH MORE! You can also have more than one home or house, you can have 1 or 2 or 3 or even more you can have as many houses or homes as possible. An example from my house is this... When we moved to Canada, we moved into a home with stairs and everyone in the family fell down those stairs at least once in their lives. And me and my sister were in the kitchen doing something when we hear a weird noise in the living room and then we hear crying. So we run to the living room and see our older sister crying and then we go back to the kitchen and tell our parents what happened and then we run back to the living room with chairs this time and we watch our sister and my mom and dad asking if she was okay and me and my sister were pretending like we were eating popcorn (I was 4 and my sister was 7 or 8 the sister who fell was 11 or 12) and we pretended it was a comedy show. So, from these experiences you can clearly tell that a home can be a country, a house, a motel, or any place that you feel safe and have fun in. I felt loved in my house and I feel happy and sometimes mad and sad. A house is a place for family and friends, and Habitat for Humanity is helping people get homes and stuff. Thank you for reading my writing and please appreciate that you have a home because some people don’t have a home.


5 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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