The Feeling of Home
What is a home? Many people ask that question to themselves, most of them get the answer “Home is just a place you live in.” but home is so much more than that.
Home is where you can be at peace. The place where nothing can go wrong. Home is that place where after a tiring day at work or school, you can just come and relax and watch some television or read a book. Home is where relaxation is.
Sometimes, home is where happiness is. Home is where you can have some fun with your family or friends. For me, home is party central, the place where you can have all the fun in the world.
Home is where the best food in the world is. Nothing’s better than homemade pizza, hamburgers, salad, tacos and burritos, butter chicken and samosas. All cooked up by the best cooks in the world [Most of the time], your parent[s]/guardian[s]. Home is where the buffet is.
Home is where the laughter is. Nothing is happier than hearing the joy of others, it’s satisfying knowing the people around you are happy. That you’re making them happy. At home, it’s laughing time.
Home sometimes can be summed up with one smell. Something that makes you know you’re home when you walk through the door. For me, it’s the smell of rice cooking or Mom’s horrible perfume that smells like rotten apples. That smell keeps me up at night. Home is where you don’t smell horrible perfume [Hopefully].
Home means the world to me. The smell, the sound, the touch, and the sight of it makes you know you’re safe. Home is our playground of fun. Home is our personality come to life. Home is the world to me.
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