The Difference Between A House And A Home

The Difference Between A House And A Home Believe it or not, there are many differences between a house and a home. I will list some of the many differences because a house and a home are very different. The first difference is the way the two are built. A house is built of concrete brick, maybe wood, maybe asphalt. I don't know what your house is made of. I'm not entirely sure what my own house is made of because houses can be made of many different materials. Now that you know what houses are made of it's time to tell you what homes are made of. I don't know what home means to everyone else in this world because I can't read minds but I can tell you what home means to me. Home to me is a place that feels safe, a place that feels cozy, a place where I am loved. The second difference is the durability between the two. A house can get easily destroyed in Mother Nature's wrath like a tornado but a home stays with you as long as you have love. But if you have no love then your home will fall apart and crumble down to the ground. The final difference is the size. Now I know what you're thinking about the size of the house that you live in but that cannot be farther from the truth because it depends on how much love you have because while the room in a house depends on how big or little the house is the room in a home depends on the amount of love.


5 Année

Didsbury, Alberta

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