Why I Love My Home

In my home I feel safe and secure. I feel safe because no one hurts me. My home lets me be free and I don't have to worry. I have my own room to be myself. I love my home because I feel safe. The people in my family love me. I know my mom loves me because she hugs and kisses me. She's the best mom you could ever imagine. I know my sister loves me because she doesn't have to give me anything but she shows me love by sharing. I have a dog and she is always by my side. She is so loving. My family is the best. They love me and I love them. When I am at home I do fun stuff. One activity or fun thing to do is I bake with my mom, auntie and cousins. My mom takes me places I can't imagine. I am glad to have my family to do activites. When I do fund stuff with my family, I feel loved. I love my home because every day I come home and I meet the people I love. Those people are my mom, my sister and my dog. Being home is the best because I know I am protected and safe. My mom works to keep a roof above my head so that means the house I live in is important. I love my home to the fullest.


4 Année

Yorkton, Saskatchewan

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