What Home Means to Me

What Home Means to Me “Home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling” – Cecelia Ahern Lots of times we forget how lucky we are to have a home. Home is where we spend so much of our lives. It’s where we wake up in the morning and fall asleep at night. Home is warm. Home is where you can be loved for who you are. Home is a part of you. Home is safe. Home is where we learn and grow. Home is where we have ideas. Home is where memories can be made. Home is where we share stories and our feelings with our family. Home means different things to different people. When I think of home, I think of my city, Winnipeg. Last summer, my family went on a road trip to Alberta. It was really fun, but the night we drove into Winnipeg, I felt different, like I was finally myself again. Being at home feels really good, especially when you are surrounded with the people that you love. Being at home makes me feel like a part of a bigger picture. Even if home means different things to different people, I still think everybody deserves to have one. Home is such a big part in everyone’s lives and it’s so important to have a safe home. Home doesn’t even need to be too fancy, as long as you have what you need. Home isn’t perfect because everything has its flaws. Home is something that we should share with others. Home is something special.


6 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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